[Gunner] Decayed R Armor Set

Max Lv



Decayed Skull R
A remnant of a beast calcified in the vortex of the abyss.
Decayed Sternum R
Do not peer into the light for it is as blasphemous as it is twisted.
Decayed Humerus R
Torment and oblivion are all that come forth from the abyss.
Decayed Hipbone R
Born in the dark matter that separates the righteous dead and the souls of the wicked.
Decayed Femur R
With each step, the sound of the horseman thunders closer.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Decayed Skull R 35 - 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Decayed Sternum R 35 - 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Decayed Humerus R 35 - 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Decayed Hipbone R 35 - 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Decayed Femur R 35 - 66 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Total 175 - 330 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
Armor Slots Skills Total
Decayed Skull R ◯――
Furor +3
Crisis +2
Rec Speed -3
Furor +10
Crisis +10
Rec Speed -15
Decayed Sternum R ◯――
Furor +1
Crisis +2
Rec Speed -3
Decayed Humerus R ◯――
Furor +2
Crisis +2
Rec Speed -3
Decayed Hipbone R ◯――
Furor +2
Crisis +2
Rec Speed -3
Decayed Femur R ◯――
Furor +2
Crisis +2
Rec Speed -3

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
Decayed Skull R
Monster Hardbone x3
Nakarkos Shell+ x2 (Unlock)
Nakarkos Skull x4
Radiant Mucus+ x1
Monster Keenbone x4
Monster Hardbone x3
Avian Finebone x10
Stoutbone x5
Paddock Oil+ x2
Nakarkos Husk x4
Nakarkos Husk+ x8
Nakarkos Shell x2
Nakarkos Shell+ x5
Nakarkos Skull x8
Nakarkos Vertebra x6
Radiant Mucus+ x5
Decayed Sternum R
Stoutbone x5
Nakarkos Husk+ x3 (Unlock)
Nakarkos Skull x4
Radiant Mucus+ x1
Decayed Humerus R
Avian Finebone x10
Nakarkos Husk+ x3 (Unlock)
Nakarkos Vertebra x6
Radiant Mucus+ x1
Decayed Hipbone R
Monster Keenbone x4
Nakarkos Shell x2
Nakarkos Shell+ x3 (Unlock)
Radiant Mucus+ x1
Decayed Femur R
Paddock Oil+ x2
Nakarkos Husk x4
Nakarkos Husk+ x2 (Unlock)
Radiant Mucus+ x1
Armor Items Scraps
Decayed Skull R
Lv2 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Lv7 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Decayed Sternum R
Lv2 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Lv7 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Decayed Humerus R
Lv2 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Lv7 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Decayed Hipbone R
Lv2 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Lv7 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Decayed Femur R
Lv2 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Nakarkos (10 Total)
Lv7 Nakarkos (10 Total)

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