Gloves Off

Skills that empower you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.

+15 : Latent Power +2
Greatly empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.
+10 : Latent Power +1
Empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.

Zinogre Helm S: +5 Zinogre Cap S: +5 Welkin Crown: +4 Bristling Mane: +4 Terrifying Mane: +4 Tempest Crown: +3 Lucid Crown: +3 Dreamy Crown: +3 Lucid Miter: +3 Dreamy Miter: +3 Helm of Rage: +3 Cap of Rage: +3 Helm of Anat: +3 Cap of Anat: +3 Zinogre Cap: +2 Skalda Vertex S: +2 Skalda Clypeus S: +2 Spio Vertex S: +2 Spio Clypeus S: +2 EX Zinogre Cap: +2 Promising Helm: +2 Halcyon Helm: +2 Promising Archhelm: +2 Halcyon Archhelm: +2 Zinogre Helm: +1 EX Zinogre Helm: +1
Tempest Robe R: +5 Welkin Robe R: +5 Skalda Thorax S: +3 Skalda Pleuron S: +3 Spio Thorax S: +3 Spio Pleuron S: +3 Lucid Robe: +3 Dreamy Robe: +3 Ultimate Garb: +3 Ultimate Attire: +3 Lucid Archrobe: +3 Dreamy Archrobe: +3 Mail of Rage: +3 Vest of Rage: +3 Mail of Anat: +3 Vest of Anat: +3 Black Belt Mail S: +2 Black Belt Vest S: +2 EX Zinogre Mail: +2 EX Zinogre Vest: +2 Tempest Robe: +2 Welkin Robe: +2 Promising Plate: +2 Halcyon Plate: +2 Promising Archplate: +2 Halcyon Archplate: +2 Zinogre Mail: +1 Zinogre Vest: +1
Zinogre Braces S: +5 Zinogre Guards S: +5 Zinogre Braces: +3 Zinogre Guards: +3 EX Zinogre Braces: +3 EX Zinogre Guards: +3 Tempest Sleeves: +3 Welkin Sleeves: +3 Lucid Gauntlets: +3 Dreamy Gauntlets: +3 Lucid Archbraces: +3 Dreamy Archbraces: +3 Braces of Rage: +3 Guards of Rage: +3 Braces of Anat: +3 Guards of Anat: +3 Tempest Sleeves R: +2 Welkin Sleeves R: +2 Promising Braces: +2 Halcyon Braces: +2 Promising Archbraces: +2 Halcyon Archbraces: +2 Skalda Brachia S: +1 Skalda Manus S: +1 Spio Brachia S: +1 Spio Manus S: +1
Tempest Obi R: +5 Welkin Obi R: +5 Tempest Obi: +4 Skalda Elytra S: +3 Skalda Alae S: +3 Spio Elytra S: +3 Spio Alae S: +3 EX Zinogre Faulds: +3 EX Zinogre Coat: +3 Welkin Obi: +3 Lucid Tassets: +3 Dreamy Tassets: +3 Lucid Archgirdle: +3 Dreamy Archgirdle: +3 Zinogre Faulds: +2 Zinogre Coat: +2 Black Belt Tassets S: +2 Black Belt Coat S: +2 Promising Girdle: +2 Halcyon Girdle: +2 Promising Archgirdle: +2 Halcyon Archgirdle: +2
Zinogre Greaves S: +5 Zinogre Leggings S: +5 Ultimate Pleats: +4 Ultimate Walkers: +4 Zinogre Greaves: +3 EX Zinogre Greaves: +3 Tempest Hakama: +3 Welkin Hakama: +3 Lucid Pleats: +3 Dreamy Pleats: +3 Lucid Archpleats: +3 Dreamy Archpleats: +3 Greaves of Rage: +3 Leggings of Rage: +3 Greaves of Anat: +3 Leggings of Anat: +3 Zinogre Leggings: +2 EX Zinogre Leggings: +2 Tempest Hakama R: +2 Welkin Hakama R: +2 Promising Sabatons: +2 Halcyon Sabatons: +2 Promising Archpleats: +2 Halcyon Archpleats: +2 Skalda Crura S: +1 Skalda Tarsi S: +1 Spio Crura S: +1 Spio Tarsi S: +1
Throttle Jwl 1: +1 Throttle Jwl 2: +3

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