Critical Up

Skills that increase the damage of critical hits.

+10 : Critical Boost
Increases the damage of critical hits.

Black Belt Mail: +3 Black Belt Vest: +3 Black Belt Mail S: +3 Black Belt Vest S: +3 Silver Solmail: +3 Silver Solvest: +3 Silverwind Mail: +2 Silverwind Vest: +2 Aelucanth Thorax S: +1 Aelucanth Pleuron S: +1 Rhopessa Thorax S: +1 Rhopessa Pleuron S: +1 Toka Doate: +1 Mitsuaoi Doate: +1 Lodestar Suit: +1 Lodestar Vest: +1
Silver Solcoil R: +4 Silver Solcoat R: +4 Lodestar Belt: +3 Lodestar Cloak: +3 Black Belt Tassets: +2 Black Belt Coat: +2 Black Belt Tassets S: +2 Black Belt Coat S: +2 Toka Koshiate: +2 Mitsuaoi Koshiate: +2 Silverwind Faulds: +2 Silverwind Coat: +2 Aelucanth Elytra S: +1 Aelucanth Alae S: +1 Rhopessa Elytra S: +1 Rhopessa Alae S: +1 Silver Solcoil: +1 Silver Solcoat: +1
Mitsuaoi Kabuto: +3 Lodestar Band: +3 Lodestar Hoop: +3 Aelucanth Vertex S: +2 Aelucanth Clypeus S: +2 Rhopessa Vertex S: +2 Rhopessa Clypeus S: +2 Toka Kabuto: +2 Silver Solhelm: +2 Silver Solcap: +2 Silverwind Helm: +2 Silverwind Cap: +2
Silver Solbraces R: +4 Silver Solguards R: +4 Aelucanth Brachia S: +3 Aelucanth Manus S: +3 Rhopessa Brachia S: +3 Rhopessa Manus S: +3 Toka Kote: +3 Mitsuaoi Kote: +2 Silver Solbraces: +2 Silver Solguards: +2 Silverwind Braces: +2 Silverwind Guards: +2 Lodestar Armguards: +1 Lodestar Cuffs: +1
Aelucanth Crura S: +3 Aelucanth Tarsi S: +3 Rhopessa Crura S: +3 Rhopessa Tarsi S: +3 Toka Gusoku: +2 Mitsuaoi Gusoku: +2 Silver Solgreaves: +2 Silver Solleggings: +2 Silver Solgreaves R: +2 Silver Solleggings R: +2 Silverwind Greaves: +2 Silverwind Leggings: +2 Lodestar Boots: +2 Lodestar Greaves: +2
Critical Jwl 1: +1

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