Crow Bow / Wolf Bow

A Yian Garuga hunting Bow with venom-enhancing traits. Compact, wieldy, powerful. / The final iteration of the Crow Bow. Poisons its arrows with the blackened soul of a Yian Garuga.


Type Monster

Crow Bow 1 150
+10 %
+20 Def
Arc Shot: Blast
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv3
Heavy Lv 4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
Crow Bow 2 180
+15 %
+20 Def
Arc Shot: Blast
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Heavy Lv 4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
Wolf Bow 200
+20 %
+20 Def
Arc Shot: Blast
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Heavy Lv 4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla

Crafting Materials

Upgrades from
Kut-Ku Stave 2

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