[Blademaster] Thunderlord Armor Set

Max Lv



Thunderlord Helm
Thunderlord headwear given to those who have cleared Special Permit Quests.
Thunderlord Mail
Thunderlord chest armor that proves a hunter's worth in downing Deviant Monsters.
Thunderlord Braces
Thunderlord armguards whose distinct craft garners it the envy of hunters everywhere.
Thunderlord Faulds
Thunderlord waist armor whose special materials are suited for skilled hunters.
Thunderlord Greaves
Thunderlord leg armor that can ably cross the line between life and death.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Thunderlord Helm 68 - 122 0 0 +4 -3 +1
Thunderlord Mail 68 - 122 0 0 +4 -3 +1
Thunderlord Braces 68 - 122 0 0 +4 -3 +1
Thunderlord Faulds 68 - 122 0 0 +4 -3 +1
Thunderlord Greaves 68 - 122 0 0 +4 -3 +1
Total 340 - 610 0 0 +20 -15 +5
Armor Slots Skills Total
Thunderlord Helm ―――
Thunderlord +2
Stamina +2
Frenzy Res +2
Thunderlord +10
Stamina +10
Frenzy Res +10
Thunderlord Mail ―――
Thunderlord +1
Stamina +2
Frenzy Res +2
Thunderlord Braces ―――
Thunderlord +2
Stamina +2
Frenzy Res +2
Thunderlord Faulds ―――
Thunderlord +2
Stamina +2
Frenzy Res +2
Thunderlord Greaves ―――
Thunderlord +3
Stamina +2
Frenzy Res +2

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
Thunderlord Helm
Irregular Bone x2
Zinogre Electrofur x5
Thunderlord Horn x1
Thunderlord Hunter I x1 (Unlock)
Monster Hardbone x8
Irregular Bone x6
Zinogre Carapace x5
Zinogre Electrofur x5
Zinogre Claw+ x4
Zinogre Tail x2
Zinogre Shocker+ x5
Thunderlord Shell x6
Thunderlord Shockfur x4
Thunderlord Horn x1
Thunderlord Hunter I x5
Thunderlord Mail
Monster Hardbone x4
Zinogre Shocker+ x5
Thunderlord Shockfur x2
Thunderlord Hunter I x1 (Unlock)
Thunderlord Braces
Irregular Bone x2
Zinogre Claw+ x4
Thunderlord Shockfur x2
Thunderlord Hunter I x1 (Unlock)
Thunderlord Faulds
Monster Hardbone x4
Zinogre Tail x2
Thunderlord Shell x3
Thunderlord Hunter I x1 (Unlock)
Thunderlord Greaves
Irregular Bone x2
Zinogre Carapace x5
Thunderlord Shell x3
Thunderlord Hunter I x1 (Unlock)
Armor Items Scraps
Thunderlord Helm
Lv2 Irregular Bone x1
Lv2 Thunderlord Hunter II x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Shell x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Hunter III x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Shockfur x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Hunter IV x1
Lv5 Thunderlord Horn x2
Lv5 Thunderlord Hunter V x1
Lv6 Thunderlord Shell x2
Lv6 Thunderlord Hunter VI x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Carapace x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Hunter VII x1
Lv8 Thunderlord Electrofur x2
Lv8 Thunderlord Hunter VIII x1
Lv9 Thunderlord Horn+ x2
Lv9 Thunderlord Hunter IX x1
Lv10 Thunderlord Hunter X x1

Lv5 Zinogre (6 Total)
Lv10 Thunderlord (15 Total)
Lv8 Prime Thunderlord Scrap x1
Thunderlord Mail
Lv2 Irregular Bone x1
Lv2 Thunderlord Hunter II x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Shell x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Hunter III x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Shockfur x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Hunter IV x1
Lv5 Thunderlord Horn x2
Lv5 Thunderlord Hunter V x1
Lv6 Thunderlord Shell x2
Lv6 Thunderlord Hunter VI x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Carapace x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Hunter VII x1
Lv8 Thunderlord Electrofur x2
Lv8 Thunderlord Hunter VIII x1
Lv9 Thunderlord Horn+ x2
Lv9 Thunderlord Hunter IX x1
Lv10 Thunderlord Hunter X x1

Lv5 Zinogre (6 Total)
Lv10 Thunderlord (15 Total)
Lv8 Prime Thunderlord Scrap x1
Thunderlord Braces
Lv2 Irregular Bone x1
Lv2 Thunderlord Hunter II x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Shell x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Hunter III x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Shockfur x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Hunter IV x1
Lv5 Thunderlord Horn x2
Lv5 Thunderlord Hunter V x1
Lv6 Thunderlord Shell x2
Lv6 Thunderlord Hunter VI x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Carapace x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Hunter VII x1
Lv8 Thunderlord Electrofur x2
Lv8 Thunderlord Hunter VIII x1
Lv9 Thunderlord Horn+ x2
Lv9 Thunderlord Hunter IX x1
Lv10 Thunderlord Hunter X x1

Lv5 Zinogre (6 Total)
Lv10 Thunderlord (15 Total)
Lv8 Prime Thunderlord Scrap x1
Thunderlord Faulds
Lv2 Irregular Bone x1
Lv2 Thunderlord Hunter II x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Shell x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Hunter III x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Shockfur x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Hunter IV x1
Lv5 Thunderlord Horn x2
Lv5 Thunderlord Hunter V x1
Lv6 Thunderlord Shell x2
Lv6 Thunderlord Hunter VI x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Carapace x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Hunter VII x1
Lv8 Thunderlord Electrofur x2
Lv8 Thunderlord Hunter VIII x1
Lv9 Thunderlord Horn+ x2
Lv9 Thunderlord Hunter IX x1
Lv10 Thunderlord Hunter X x1

Lv5 Zinogre (6 Total)
Lv10 Thunderlord (15 Total)
Lv8 Prime Thunderlord Scrap x1
Thunderlord Greaves
Lv2 Irregular Bone x1
Lv2 Thunderlord Hunter II x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Shell x1
Lv3 Thunderlord Hunter III x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Shockfur x1
Lv4 Thunderlord Hunter IV x1
Lv5 Thunderlord Horn x2
Lv5 Thunderlord Hunter V x1
Lv6 Thunderlord Shell x2
Lv6 Thunderlord Hunter VI x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Carapace x1
Lv7 Thunderlord Hunter VII x1
Lv8 Thunderlord Electrofur x2
Lv8 Thunderlord Hunter VIII x1
Lv9 Thunderlord Horn+ x2
Lv9 Thunderlord Hunter IX x1
Lv10 Thunderlord Hunter X x1

Lv5 Zinogre (6 Total)
Lv10 Thunderlord (15 Total)
Lv8 Prime Thunderlord Scrap x1

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