[Gunner] High Metal Armor Set

Max Lv



High Metal Cap
Headgear made from rare ore. Many see it as the pinnacle of beauty.
High Metal Vest
Chest armor made from rare ore. Highly resistant to Thunder.
High Metal Guards
Armguards primarily made of rare ore. Gunner's armor, but still highly protective.
High Metal Coat
Waist armor primarily made of heavy ore. Incredibly strong, yet flexible.
High Metal Leggings
Leg armor primarily made of rare ore. Excellent armor forged using careful crafting.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
High Metal Cap 7 - 38 0 -1 +3 -1 0
High Metal Vest 7 - 38 0 -1 +3 -1 0
High Metal Guards 7 - 38 0 -1 +3 -1 0
High Metal Coat 7 - 38 0 -1 +3 -1 0
High Metal Leggings 7 - 38 0 -1 +3 -1 0
Total 35 - 190 0 -5 +15 -5 0
Armor Slots Skills Total
High Metal Cap ―――
Hearing +4
Protection -3
Hearing +10
Protection -5
Thunder Res +10
High Metal Vest ―――
Hearing +1
Thunder Res +4
High Metal Guards ―――
Hearing +2
Thunder Res +2
Protection -1
High Metal Coat ◯◯―
Hearing +2
Protection -1
High Metal Leggings ◯――
Hearing +1
Thunder Res +4

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
High Metal Cap
Earth Crystal x2
Machalite Ore x3
Lightcrystal x1
Dragonite Ore x2 (Unlock)
Iron Ore x12
Earth Crystal x2
Machalite Ore x16
Lightcrystal x1
Dragonite Ore x12
Sharp Claw x2
Sharp Fang x2
Maccao Scale x3
Maccao Hide x2
High Metal Vest
Iron Ore x3
Machalite Ore x4
Dragonite Ore x2 (Unlock)
Maccao Hide x2
High Metal Guards
Iron Ore x4
Machalite Ore x2
Dragonite Ore x3 (Unlock)
Sharp Claw x2
High Metal Coat
Iron Ore x2
Machalite Ore x5
Dragonite Ore x2 (Unlock)
Sharp Fang x2
High Metal Leggings
Iron Ore x3
Machalite Ore x2
Dragonite Ore x3 (Unlock)
Maccao Scale x3
Armor Items Scraps
High Metal Cap
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Ore (10 Total)
Lv8 Ore (10 Total)
Lv10 Ore (10 Total)
High Metal Vest
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Ore (10 Total)
Lv8 Ore (10 Total)
Lv10 Ore (10 Total)
High Metal Guards
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Ore (10 Total)
Lv8 Ore (10 Total)
Lv10 Ore (10 Total)
High Metal Coat
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Ore (10 Total)
Lv8 Ore (10 Total)
Lv10 Ore (10 Total)
High Metal Leggings
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Ore (10 Total)
Lv8 Ore (10 Total)
Lv10 Ore (10 Total)

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