[Blademaster] Bulldrome Armor Set

Max Lv



Bulldrome Helm
Perfect for those who like to head-butt first and ask questions later.
Bulldrome Mail
Chest armor for those who take pride in their reckless nature.
Bulldrome Braces
Vambraces that're more for bashin' than they are for protectin'.
Bulldrome Faulds
Waist armor aimed at hunters that prefer to live amidst nature and wildlife.
Bulldrome Greaves
Leg armor for hunters that want to awaken their savage instincts from within.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Bulldrome Helm 12 - 78 0 +2 -2 +1 0
Bulldrome Mail 12 - 78 0 +2 -2 +1 0
Bulldrome Braces 12 - 78 0 +2 -2 +1 0
Bulldrome Faulds 12 - 78 0 +2 -2 +1 0
Bulldrome Greaves 12 - 78 0 +2 -2 +1 0
Total 60 - 390 0 +10 -10 +5 0
Armor Slots Skills Total
Bulldrome Helm ◯――
Potential +3
Attack +2
Protection -3
Potential +10
Attack +8
Protection -10
Bulldrome Mail ◯――
Potential +4
Protection -4
Bulldrome Braces ◯――
Attack +3
Bulldrome Faulds ◯――
Potential +3
Protection -3
Bulldrome Greaves ◯――
Attack +3

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
Bulldrome Helm
Iron Ore x5
Bullfango Pelt x4
Bulldrome Tusk x2 (Unlock)
Iron Ore x18
Machalite Ore x6
Jumbo Bone x6
Bullfango Pelt x4
Bulldrome Hide x12
Bulldrome Tusk x5
Bulldrome Mail
Machalite Ore x3
Jumbo Bone x3
Bulldrome Hide x4 (Unlock)
Bulldrome Braces
Iron Ore x8
Bulldrome Hide x2 (Unlock)
Bulldrome Tusk x1
Bulldrome Faulds
Iron Ore x5
Jumbo Bone x3
Bulldrome Hide x3 (Unlock)
Bulldrome Greaves
Machalite Ore x3
Bulldrome Hide x3 (Unlock)
Bulldrome Tusk x2
Armor Items Scraps
Bulldrome Helm
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv12 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv8 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv11 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv12 Bullfango (10 Total)
Bulldrome Mail
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv12 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv8 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv11 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv12 Bullfango (10 Total)
Bulldrome Braces
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv12 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv8 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv11 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv12 Bullfango (10 Total)
Bulldrome Faulds
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv12 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv8 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv11 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv12 Bullfango (10 Total)
Bulldrome Greaves
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere x1
Lv4 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv12 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv5 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv8 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv11 Bullfango (10 Total)
Lv12 Bullfango (10 Total)

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