[Blademaster] Mizutsune Armor Set

Max Lv



Mizutsune Helm
A wedding headdress worn only in the most elegant and refined wedding ceremonies.
Mizutsune Mail
A piece of wedding attire that took a holy maiden 100 nights to sew.
Mizutsune Braces
Wedding attire so lavish and beautiful that it brings kings to their knees.
Mizutsune Faulds
Captivating wedding attire so alluring, people don't even care about the wearer's tail.
Mizutsune Greaves
Beautiful wedding footwear that features an enchanting split-toe design.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Mizutsune Helm 20 - 82 0 +2 -3 +1 -1
Mizutsune Mail 20 - 82 0 +2 -3 +1 -1
Mizutsune Braces 20 - 82 0 +2 -3 +1 -1
Mizutsune Faulds 20 - 82 0 +2 -3 +1 -1
Mizutsune Greaves 20 - 82 0 +2 -3 +1 -1
Total 100 - 410 0 +10 -15 +5 -5
Armor Slots Skills Total
Mizutsune Helm ―――
Bubble +2
Hunger +2
Thunder Res -2
Bubble +10
Hunger +10
Thunder Res -10
Mizutsune Mail ◯――
Bubble +3
Hunger +1
Thunder Res -2
Mizutsune Braces ◯――
Bubble +1
Hunger +2
Thunder Res -2
Mizutsune Faulds ―――
Bubble +2
Hunger +2
Thunder Res -2
Mizutsune Greaves ◯――
Bubble +2
Hunger +3
Thunder Res -2

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
Mizutsune Helm
Yukumo Wood x4
Mizutsune Purplefur x3
Mizutsune Claw x2
Mizutsune Fin x2 (Unlock)
Yukumo Wood x4
Machalite Ore x6
Monster Bone+ x2
Aqua Sac x3
Pale Extract x3
Arzuros Brace x2
Black Pearl x4
Mizutsune Scale x9
Mizutsune Purplefur x10
Mizutsune Claw x8
Mizutsune Fin x6
Mizutsune Tail x1
Bubblefoam x3
Mizutsune Mail
Monster Bone+ x2
Mizutsune Purplefur x4 (Unlock)
Mizutsune Claw x2
Mizutsune Fin x4
Mizutsune Braces
Arzuros Brace x2
Black Pearl x4
Mizutsune Scale x2
Mizutsune Claw x4 (Unlock)
Mizutsune Faulds
Aqua Sac x3
Pale Extract x3
Mizutsune Scale x3
Mizutsune Tail x1 (Unlock)
Mizutsune Greaves
Machalite Ore x6
Mizutsune Scale x4 (Unlock)
Mizutsune Purplefur x3
Bubblefoam x3
Armor Items Scraps
Mizutsune Helm
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Mizutsune Plate x1

Lv4 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv8 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv10 Mizutsune (4 Total)
Mizutsune Mail
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Mizutsune Plate x1

Lv4 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv8 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv10 Mizutsune (4 Total)
Mizutsune Braces
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Mizutsune Plate x1

Lv4 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv8 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv10 Mizutsune (4 Total)
Mizutsune Faulds
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Mizutsune Plate x1

Lv4 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv8 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv10 Mizutsune (4 Total)
Mizutsune Greaves
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Mizutsune Plate x1

Lv4 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv8 Mizutsune (10 Total)
Lv10 Mizutsune (4 Total)

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