[Blademaster] Volvidon Armor Set

Max Lv



Volvidon Helm
Headgear worn by Fire Country hunters. It symbolizes the fire spirit they hold sacred.
Volvidon Mail
Chest armor covered in Volvidon shell. The fleshy surface absorbs blows nicely.
Volvidon Vambraces
Fire Country hunters have long passed these armguards down to their children as they come of age.
Volvidon Faulds
Waist armor made in reverence of the fire spirit. Such refinement is rare in hunting history.
Volvidon Greaves
Leg armor made from Volvidon shell. The fire spirit is embodied in its crimson form.


Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Volvidon Helm 18 - 80 +2 -3 0 -1 +1
Volvidon Mail 18 - 80 +2 -3 0 -1 +1
Volvidon Vambraces 18 - 80 +2 -3 0 -1 +1
Volvidon Faulds 18 - 80 +2 -3 0 -1 +1
Volvidon Greaves 18 - 80 +2 -3 0 -1 +1
Total 90 - 400 +10 -15 0 -5 +5
Armor Slots Skills Total
Volvidon Helm ―――
FastCharge +4
Biology +1
Stam Recov -2
FastCharge +8
Biology +10
Stam Recov -10
Volvidon Mail ◯――
FastCharge +1
Biology +3
Stam Recov -2
Volvidon Vambraces ◯――
FastCharge +1
Biology +2
Stam Recov -2
Volvidon Faulds ◯――
Biology +4
Stam Recov -2
Volvidon Greaves ◯――
FastCharge +2
Stam Recov -2

Crafting Materials

Armor Items Scraps Total
Volvidon Helm
Dragonite Ore x4
Monster Fluid x2
Volvidon Shell x2
Volvidon Claw x2 (Unlock)
Bealite Ore x4
Dragonite Ore x4
Firestone x1
Jumbo Bone x4
Paralysis Sac x4
Monster Fluid x3
Volvidon Shell x10
Volvidon Claw x6
Volvi Rickrack x4
Uroktor Scale x8
Volvidon Mail
Jumbo Bone x2
Volvidon Shell x3 (Unlock)
Volvi Rickrack x1
Uroktor Scale x4
Volvidon Vambraces
Jumbo Bone x2
Volvidon Claw x2 (Unlock)
Volvi Rickrack x2
Uroktor Scale x4
Volvidon Faulds
Firestone x1
Paralysis Sac x4
Monster Fluid x1
Volvidon Shell x3 (Unlock)
Volvidon Greaves
Bealite Ore x4
Volvidon Shell x2
Volvidon Claw x2 (Unlock)
Volvi Rickrack x1
Armor Items Scraps
Volvidon Helm
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv8 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv10 Volvidon (10 Total)
Volvidon Mail
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv8 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv10 Volvidon (10 Total)
Volvidon Vambraces
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv8 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv10 Volvidon (10 Total)
Volvidon Faulds
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv8 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv10 Volvidon (10 Total)
Volvidon Greaves
Lv2 Armor Sphere x1
Lv3 Armor Sphere+ x1
Lv5 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv6 Adv Armor Sphere x1
Lv7 Hard Armor Sphere x1
Lv9 Heavy Armor Sphere x1
Lv10 Heavy Armor Sphere x1

Lv4 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv8 Volvidon (10 Total)
Lv10 Volvidon (10 Total)

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